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God’s love lets us experience his love directly. We have many relationships in our lives, and his love manifests and weaves in and out of our lives.  We have been born into families or chosen to be part of a family, and we see God’s love in our close friends and family.

As we experience some quiet moments -- when we are present with each other -- we also find love in acts of grace when we have been apart.

We listen and hear God in words of truth that are shared from those who know and love us. These "love links" teach us about commitment, grace, and faith. While we seek to create and strengthen our life-giving relationships, we remember God’s love flows into us, links us together. and for all of this, we give thanks.

During this summer camp experience, we will all grow together in community where we are all welcome and we are all connected by God's love as we learn to share his love with others.

More information and registration available here